TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Import Mapped Data

Use the Import Mapped Data utility to verify ASCII files before importing them into GL Transactions, BR Cleared Transactions, IN Physical Counts Entry, and PA Payroll Transactions using the Import button.

For more information on data imports, read the Data Import Tutorial in the TRAVERSE Knowledge Base.

  1. Select the map ID to import from the Map ID field.
  2. Select the ASCII file to view from the File Name field.
  3. Click a command button to 
  4. Click To
    Import Data Begin importing the mapped data.
    Reset Set all fields to their default values.
    Read Data View the mapped data.
    Verify Data Verify the integrity of the imported data. If errors are detected, a message appears asking if you want to review the data. Click Yes to review the Edit/Verify Imported Transactions dialog box; otherwise, click No to return to the Import Transactions screen.
  5. If there are errors in the data to be imported, correct the errors by editing the fields with errors on the top portion of the screen. When you write the transactions they will be written to the payroll transactions corrected.
  6. Click on Verify Data to write the changes into the bottom portion of the screen.
  7. Once you have successfully verified the data, click Import Data to save the data from the ASCII file to the payroll transactions tables.
  8. A confirmation message appears when the import completes successfully.
  9. To view the resulting transactions after the import completes, use the Payroll Transactions function or print the Time Ticket Journal.